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MTS 1SC NETSOL Ecom- Custom Quote

MTS 1SC NETSOL Ecom- Custom Quote

Custom Cost MTS SKU. Used for Contact/Product/Category Management and services that require custom quotes.
MTS DIY eCom - Consultation (PRO255)

MTS DIY eCom - Consultation (PRO255)

Cost includes time based consultation to cover ecommerce related topics. Topic of consult must be approved prior to consult sale examples include Design Questions Troubleshooting Recommendations etc.
MTS DIY eCom - (PRO257) Ecom 101 (General Training) - 60 minutes

MTS DIY eCom - (PRO257) Ecom 101 (General Training) - 60 minutes

A MyTimeSupport expert will provide a 60 minute training session regarding general administrative and setup functions for their online store. Conference calls are acceptable at no extra cost
MTS DIY eCom - (PRO267) SSL Seal Installation

MTS DIY eCom - (PRO267) SSL Seal Installation

Installation of an SSL Seal (graphics only) once SSL certificate installation is complete.
Tech Services -  File Manager Restore

Tech Services - File Manager Restore

Tech Services will restore copies of all files that are stored in the file manager. Files will be recovered to the client's file manager. The customer must include the date before the deletion occurred.
Tech Services - (PRO384) Online Store Clone

Tech Services - (PRO384) Online Store Clone

Formerly "Site Clone" service. Creating an exact duplicate of your ecommerce site copied over from a destination site.

All customer/order data on the destination site will be destroyed and replaced.
Tech Services - (PRO385) Online Store Export/Backup

Tech Services - (PRO385) Online Store Export/Backup

Tech Services will provide copies of all exportable database fields the header/footer/home page HTML and the contents of the file manager to the merchant. Files will be securely delivered via email or uploaded to the client's file manager.
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