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Shopping Engines (CSE)

Shopping Engines (CSE)

What is a comparison shopping engine?

Comparison shopping engines are websites which customers use to compare prices of products.

 For example, Suzy Shopper goes to to see where she can buy a Hoover vaccum for the lowest price. She sees all the vendors which offer this product—Amazon,, Sally’s Store, etc. She can compare prices, shipping fees, reviews, and product descriptions. Based on what Suzy Shopper sees on this website, she makes her decision and buys.

Let us help you attracted serious buyers to your website.

  • Customers who visit comparison shopping sites have already decided to make a purchase.

  • They’re done all the preliminary research on what product they want to buy. Now, they just want to find a good deal. They’re just looking for the best provider—make sure they see your business listed.

  • Just keeping up with changes in comparison shopping website policies could be a fulltime job. Our experts will provide a detailed consultation, with advice on everything from site content to bidding strategies. Call today and put this powerful online marketing tool to use.