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Store Dev

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MTS DIY eCom - (PRO253) Custom Code Troubleshooting

MTS DIY eCom - (PRO253) Custom Code Troubleshooting

MyTimeSupport will correct issues in online store customized code. Includes troubleshooting Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer 6 and below are NOT supported).
SD - Cascading Menu

SD - Cascading Menu

1Shopping Cart Only. The Cascading Menu feature includes the installation of a single navigation, located in the top of the site (site header) or in the left column/sidebar.
SD - Graphic Logo Design

SD - Graphic Logo Design

Agency will design a graphical logo utilizing input from the Client. Agency will provide the Client with 1 logo concept and 2 revisions. The logo will be any combination of text, graphics, and/or iconography.
SD - Monster Menu

SD - Monster Menu

Netsol Monster Commerce Only. Agency will design and implement the Monster Menu into the client's existing website.
SD - Product Carousel (Product Scroller)

SD - Product Carousel (Product Scroller)

The Agency Product Carousel feature will be placed on the Homepage or Product Page of the Client Website and will allow Client to display a predefined number of products in a single row within the feature.
SD - Snap Shop

SD - Snap Shop

nsCommerceSpace only... The Snap Shop feature will be installed on any Section Page of the Client Website that displays purchasable products.
SD - Text Logo Design

SD - Text Logo Design

Agency will design a low cost, text-based logo utilizing input from the Client. Agency will provide the Client with 1 logo concept and 1 revision. The logo will be created using text only.
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Formerly Design-Development, fulfilled by the Drums, PA Solid Cactus team.