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Item #:
Sale Price:
Platforms Supported:
+ nsCommerceSpace
+ RCommerce + 1ShoppingCart


  • Long Description
  • Service Description
  • What's Included
  • Client FAQs
  • Sales Questions
  • Requirements
  • Objection Handling
MyTimeSupport will install a single logo OR static banner image on the customer's online store at a location of their choice. Service does not include graphic design labor outside of basic resizing only.
Ideal Customer:

Merchant has a logo or static banner image already created and would like us to place it on their online store for them.

Qualification Checklist:
  • Does my customer have a professional looking logo? If not, recommend they have us design one (click here)
  • Will the customer's logo fit approximately where it will need to go? - Best ask when in doubt!

MyTimeSupport will install a single logo - OR -static banner image on the customer's online store at a location of their choice. Service does not include graphic design labor outside of basic resizing only. The logo/banner for installation will be reviewed prior to the work being performed to insure it will work where the merchant would like it placed. Images are disqualified at the discretion of the designer, but we encourage everyone to submit their request and we can always recommend an appropriate solution.

MyTimeSupport will install a single logo OR static banner image on the customer's online store at a location of their choice. Service does not include graphic design labor outside of basic resizing only.