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Item #:
Sale Price:
Platforms Supported:
Network Solutions

  • Long Description
  • Service Description
  • What's Included
  • Client FAQs
  • Sales Questions
  • Requirements
  • Objection Handling
Cost includes time based consultation to cover ecommerce related topics. Topic of consult must be approved prior to consult sale examples include Design Questions Troubleshooting Recommendations etc. This is to be used only to teach the customer how to use a feature or part of the platform. This is not to be sold for: 1. Contact bypass which needs to be sent to Patrick Murray for a quote with the list of contacts. 2. Do it for me work. 3. Anything besides training on how to use the platform.

Cost includes time based consultation to cover ecommerce related topics. Topic of consult must be approved prior to consult sale, examples include Design Questions, Troubleshooting, Recommendations, etc.

Cost includes time based consultation to cover ecommerce related topics. Topic of consult must be approved prior to consult sale, examples include Design Questions, Troubleshooting, Recommendations, etc.