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Platforms Supported:
NS Commerce Space
  • Long Description
  • Service Description
  • What's Included
  • Client FAQs
  • Sales Questions
  • Requirements
  • Objection Handling

 Introductory Questionnaire and Call - Solid Cactus will assist the client in understanding and completing the setup for generating a list of email eligible contacts within the new Email Feature.
 Email Template - Solid Cactus will create an eCommerce friendly template for the user that matches the look and feel of their current website.This template will remain for the life of the platform subscription and can be reused by the client as often as they like.
 Permission Request Email - Solid Cactus will do a one time email broadcast to existing contacts within the account to request permission from contacts to receive email marketing announcements.
 Double-Opt-In - The email will follow best practices according to ICANN to ensure that contacts are converted into a quality list of email eligible subscribers.
 Note: This service does not include the import of new contact files from other systems.